Rabindranath Tagore, during his tour of South India in 1919, spent some days at the Theosophical College, Madanapalle, (then part of Madras) at the invitation of its Principal James H Cousins. Tagore sang the song Jana Gana Mana at the function there.

Jana Gana Mana

Jana Gana Mana was written by 'Gurudev' Rabindranath Tagore. Jana gaNa mana adhinayaka jaya he bhaarata bhaagya vidhaataa We hail you, O ruler of people's hearts, and the decider of India's destiny. [jana gaNa means people, man is of course heart/. Facts about 'Jana Gana Mana' - Just a thought for the National Anthem! How well do you know about it? I have always wondered who is the ' adhinayak' and 'bharat bhagya vidhata', whose praise we are singing.

The college authorities, greatly impressed by the lofty ideals of the song, selected it as their prayer song. In the days that followed, enchanted by the dreamy hills of Madanapalle, Tagore wrote down the English translation of the song and along with Cousins' wife, Margaret (an expert in Western music), set down the notation which is followed till this day. The song was carried beyond the borders of India by the college students and became the Morning Song of India and subsequently the first stanza in Bengali was adopted as the National Anthem of India. The Morning song of India Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people, dispenser of India's destiny. Thy name rouses the hearts of the Panjaub, Sind, Gujarat and Maratha, of the Dravida and Orissa and Bengal; it echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas, mingles in the music of the Jamuna and Ganges and is chanted by the waves of the Indian Sea. They pray for thy blessings and sing thy praise. The saving of all people waits in thy hand, thou dispenser of India's destiny.

⁠Victory, Victory, Victory to thee. Day and night thy voice goes out from land to land calling the Hindus, Buddhists, Shikhs and Jains round thy throne and the Parsees, Mussalmans and Christians. The East and West join hands in their prayer to thee, and the garland of love is woven. Thou bringest the hearts of all people into the harmony of one life, thou dispenser of India's destiny.

⁠Victory, victory, victory to thee. The procession of pilgrims passes over the endless road rugged with the rise and fall of nations; and it resounds with the thunder of thy wheels, Eternal Charioteer! Through the dire days of doom thy trumpet sounds and men are led by thee across death. Thy finger points the path to all people, Oh dispenser of Indias destiny!

⁠Victory, victory, victory to thee! The darkness was dense and deep was the night. My country lay in a deathlike silence of swoon. But thy mother arms were round her and thine eyes gazed upon her troubled face in sleepless love through her hours of ghastly dreams. Thou art the companion and the saviour of the people in their sorrows, thou dispenser of India's destiny, ⁠Victory, victory, victory to thee! The night fades; the light breaks over the peaks of the Eastern hills; the birds begin to sing and the morning breeze carries the breath of new life. The rays of the mercy have touched the waking land with their blessings.

Victory to the King of Kings, Victory to thee, dispenser of India's destiny. ⁠Victory, Victory, victory to thee.

Contents. History of Indian National Anthem The poem was first sung on the second day of the annual session of the Indian National Congress in Calcutta on December 27, 1911. Song was performed by Sarala Devi Chowdhurani, Tagore’s niece, along with a group of school students, in front of prominent Congress Members like Bishan Narayan Dhar, Indian National Congress President and Ambika Charan Majumdar. In 1912, the song was published under the title Bharat Bhagya Bidhata in the Tatwabodhini Patrika, which was the official publication of the Brahmo Samaj and of which Tagore was the Editor.

Outside of Calcutta, the song was first sung by the bard himself at a session in in Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh on February 28, 1919. The song enthralled the college authorities and they adopted the English version of the song as their prayer song which is sung till today. (an expert in European music and wife of Irish poet James Cousins, then vice-principal of the college) set down the notation to the national anthem in the college, which is followed only when the song is sung in the original slow rendition style.

Cousins' request, Tagore made the first English translation of the song. On the occasion of India attaining freedom, the Indian Constituent Assembly assembled for the first time as a sovereign body on August 14, 1947, midnight and the session closed with a unanimous performance of Jana Gana Mana. The members of the Indian Delegation to the General Assembly of the United Nations held at New York in 1947 gave a recording of Jana Gana Mana as the country’s national anthem.

Jana Gana Mana

The song was played by the house orchestra in front of a gathering consisting of representatives from all over the world. Was officially proclaimed as India’s National Anthem by the Constituent Assembly of India on January 24, 1950. Lyrics of all 5 stanzas The English translation below has been adapted from an unverifiable source. Some changes have been made to both the translation and romanization.

Bengali (বাংলা) Bengali phonetic transcription English Translation জনগণমন-অধিনায়ক জয় হে ভারতভাগ্যবিধাতা! পঞ্জাব সিন্ধু গুজরাট মরাঠা দ্রাবিড় উৎকল বঙ্গ বিন্ধ্য হিমাচল যমুনা গঙ্গা উচ্ছলজলধিতরঙ্গ তব শুভ নামে জাগে, তব শুভ আশিষ মাগে, গাহে তব জয়গাথা। জনগণমঙ্গলদায়ক জয় হে ভারতভাগ্যবিধাতা! জয় হে, জয় হে, জয় হে, জয় জয় জয় জয় হে।। অহরহ তব আহ্বান প্রচারিত, শুনি তব উদার বাণী হিন্দু বৌদ্ধ শিখ জৈন পারসিক মুসলমান খৃস্টানী পূরব পশ্চিম আসে তব সিংহাসন-পাশে প্রেমহার হয় গাঁথা। জনগণ-ঐক্য-বিধায়ক জয় হে ভারতভাগ্যবিধাতা! জয় হে, জয় হে, জয় হে, জয় জয় জয় জয় হে।। পতন-অভ্যুদয়-বন্ধুর পন্থা, যুগ যুগ ধাবিত যাত্রী। হে চিরসারথি, তব রথচক্রে মুখরিত পথ দিনরাত্রি। দারুণ বিপ্লব-মাঝে তব শঙ্খধ্বনি বাজে সঙ্কটদুঃখত্রাতা। জনগণপথপরিচায়ক জয় হে ভারতভাগ্যবিধাতা! জয় হে, জয় হে, জয় হে, জয় জয় জয় জয় হে।। ঘোরতিমিরঘন নিবিড় নিশীথে পীড়িত মূর্ছিত দেশে জাগ্রত ছিল তব অবিচল মঙ্গল নতনয়নে অনিমেষে। দুঃস্বপ্নে আতঙ্কে রক্ষা করিলে অঙ্কে স্নেহময়ী তুমি মাতা। জনগণদুঃখত্রায়ক জয় হে ভারতভাগ্যবিধাতা!

জয় হে, জয় হে, জয় হে, জয় জয় জয় জয় হে।। রাত্রি প্রভাতিল, উদিল রবিচ্ছবি পূর্ব-উদয়গিরিভালে – গাহে বিহঙ্গম, পূণ্য সমীরণ নবজীবনরস ঢালে। তব করুণারুণরাগে নিদ্রিত ভারত জাগে তব চরণে নত মাথা। জয় জয় জয় হে জয় রাজেশ্বর ভারতভাগ্যবিধাতা! জয় হে, জয় হে, জয় হে, জয় জয় জয় জয় হে।।. The ruler of the minds of people, Victory be to You, Dispenser of the destiny of India! Punjab, Sind, Gujarat, (Marathi heartland), (South India), Orissa and Bengal, The Vindhyas, the Himalayas, the Jumna and the Ganges, And the oceans with foaming waves all around.

Wake up listening to Your auspicious name, Ask for Your auspicious blessings, And sing to Your glorious victory. You who impart well being to the people, Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! Victory, victory, victory to You! Your call is announced continuously, We heed Your gracious call The Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Parsis, Muslims and Christians, The East and the West come together, To the side of Your throne And weave the garland of love. You who bring in the unity of the people! Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India!

Victory, victory, victory to You! The way of life is somber as it moves through ups and downs, But we, the pilgrims, have followed it through ages. Eternal Charioteer, the wheels of your chariot Echo day and night in the path In the midst of fierce revolution, Your conch shell sounds. You save us from fear and misery. You who guide the people through torturous path, Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India!

Victory, victory, victory to You! During the bleakest of nights, When the whole country was sick and in swoon Wakeful remained Your incessant blessings, Through Your lowered but wink-less eyes Through nightmares and fears, You protected us on Your lap, Oh Loving Mother!

You who have removed the misery of the people, Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! Victory, victory, victory to You! The night is over, and the Sun has risen over the hills of the eastern horizon. The birds are singing, and a gentle auspicious breeze Is pouring the elixir of new life. By the halo of Your compassion, India that was asleep is now waking On your feet we now lay our heads Oh! Victory, victory, victory to you, the Supreme King, Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! Victory, victory, victory to You!

Apart from the above translation which follows the original very closely, 's own interpretation of Jana Gana Mana in English is available as. See also.The National Song of India. An earlier poem by Tagore ( ) was later selected as the national anthem of Bangladesh. ('Where the Mind is Without Fear.Into that heaven of freedom, Let my country awake!' ) -a patriotic poem from by. A poem by and publicised by 'Netaji'. by References.

Jana Gana Mana Lyrics

IBNLive.com The original Tagore song - 'Not a single note of the original Rabindranath Tagore composition has been altered'. Bhattacharya, Sabyasachi (2011). New Delhi: Viking, Penguin Books India.

Incidentally a myth regarding this song needs to be refuted and laid to rest. It is on record that the song was written on 11 December 1911. On December 12, 1911 the Delhi Durbar met to honour King Emperor George V. Obviously a poem written on 11 December could not be intended for an event the following day. The song was actually sung at the twenty-seventh session of the Indian National Congress, Calcutta on 28 December 1911 as the opening song at the beginning of the day’s proceedings. Thereafter it was also sung at the foundation day anniversary of Adi Brahma Samaj in February 1912 and included in their collection of psalms, Brahma Sangit. Archived from on 15 January 2013.

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Jana Gana Mana

Jana Gana Mana Violin Sheet Music

Retrieved 14 February 2016. Retrieved 24 September 2017. Dutta, K.; Robinson, A. (1995), Rabindranath Tagore: The Myriad-Minded Man, St. Martin's Press,.

Jana Gana Mana Adhinayaka Jaya Hai

Sekhar Mittra; Sitansu (2001), Academic Publishers, Kolkata, Notes.