The Bladebreakers, known in Japan as BBA Team Yoyo are a team comprising the main protagonists of the first three Beyblade series. The team includes Tyson Granger, Kai Hiwatari, Max Tate, Ray Kon, Kenny, Daichi, Hilary Tachibana and Tyson's elder brother Hiro Granger.

By Fandoms:,. 26 Nov 2017 Tags. Summary When snobby A-list actress Regina Mills is scheduled to arrive in Denver, Colorado, a group of young people decides to take a trip to Europe for God-knows-how-long. Kind of a crack fic. X-over of many things.

Parody of an Annoying Orange episode. Also published on my account, Hokuto Uchiha, and my Wattpad account, hokutouchiha923.

Language: English Words: 3,527 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: Kudos: Hits: 79. By Fandoms:. 24 Oct 2017 Tags. Summary Born of Little Leaf blood, Chao-Xin must recruit the rest of Wang Hu Zhong and dethrone the city of Hua Luxe's cruel slavery. Together with the Galaxy royals and their helpful automaton beys by his side, their only goal to save the city from Xue's vile plans is mechanism and survival. Inspired by my dream and Xenoblade Chronicles X!


Language: English Words: 11,325 Chapters: 3/? Kudos: Hits: 37. By Fandoms:,.

Beyblade Metal Fusion Main Characters List

02 Jan 2017 Tags. Summary Two Characters from two fandoms experience Switzerland by attending the biggest EDM party off the block and take a trip 3 hours north to Stuttgart for the Winter Conference. Please READ and REVIEW!!!:D Language: English Words: 27,559 Chapters: 11/?

You've probably heard about beyblades, right? Those little battling tops that you can customize and launch into the stadium, hoping that it is the last one standing?

Well, this isn't that kind of beyblade. This kind of beyblade, is like in the anime and manga. You don't just watch helplessly as your bey loses momentum and finally falls.


You can control where they go, what they do, and how they do it. Now, forget about what happened in the anime and manga.

The only thing you need to remember is how they battled. That's how you will battle now.

In this RPG, you play as a blader. The only things you need to do are make your bey and create special moves based on how you built it. After that, it's all up to you. You can make a team, good or bad. You can challenge anyone, and earn beypoints.

You can become an evil mastermind, or a hero. It's all up to you. Rules: 1: when making a bey, only use existing parts from metal fusion or metal masters. Autocad 2012 xforce keygen download. 2: try not to powerplay.

Decide on who will win before your battle. 3: be appropriate. No cussing (if you disguise it like T#I$, it counts.) romance is allowed, if you keep it at a G rating. (there are kids here too) 4: don't use NPCs to quickly increase beypoints. Beypoints: every character starts with 1000 beypoints. Keep track of your beypoints in the description of your bio. Here are the amounts you can earn: PvP=+50 for win, PvNPC=varies(see rule 4) PvBoss=+100 for win, -100 for loss Bosses: bosses are the people who run organizations in the plots i will make for this RPG.

All Bosses are to be controlled by Mods. Plots: none yet Mods: (rank) Supersonicfan0 (Owner) - Ready? LET IT RIP!!! Information about beyblade can be found here: